Start | End | 2012/3/9 (Friday) | |||||||
8:30 | 8:45 | Opening | |||||||
8:45 | 10:25 | Session 1 The chairperson:Hans-Hermann Bock | |||||||
8:45-9:10 |
Comparison of two Distribution Valued Dissimilarities and its Application for Symbolic Clustering Yusuke Matsui | Yuriko Komiya | Hiroyuki Minami | Masahiro Mizuta (Hokkaido University) |
9:10-9:35 |
Graph Symmetries and Tests for Formal Cluster Stability in Modular Clustering Geyer-Schulz Andreas | Michael Ovelgonne | Stein Martin (KIT-Campus Sud) |
9:35-10:00 |
Fold Change Classifier for the Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles Hans A. Kestler (Ulm University) |
10:00-10:25 |
Model-Based Clustering Methods for Time Series Hans-Hermann Bock (RWTH Aachen University) |
10:25 | 10:40 | Tea Break | |||||||
10:40 | 12:20 | Session 2 The chairperson:Akinori Okada | |||||||
10:40-11:05 |
On Finding Unique Clusters of Individuals in 'Pick r/n' Data Matrix Tadashi Imaizum (Tama University), Mitsuaki Huzii | Toshinari Kamakura (Chuo University) |
11:05-11:30 |
Agglomerative Clustering Using Asymmetric Measures without Reversals in Dendrograms Satoshi Takumi | Sadaaki Miyamoto (University of Tsukuba) |
11:30-11:55 |
Examination of the Necessity of Using One-mode Three-way Asymmetric Model Atsuho Nakayama (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Hiroyuki Tsurumi (Yokohama National University), Akinori Okada (Tama University) |
11:55-12:20 |
Least Squares Permutation and Its Applications to Factor Rotation and Fixed Size Clustering Kohei Adachi (Osaka University) |
12:20 | 13:30 | Lunch Break | |||||||
13:30 | 15:10 | Session3 The chairperson:Keiji Yajima | |||||||
13:30-13:55 |
The Effects of Q-matrix Specification and Misspecification in Multiple-choice DINA Models Koken Ozaki (The Institution of Statistical Mathematics), Ikko Kawahashi (Japan Foundation), Tomoko Takahashi | Yuan Sun | Sumio Kakinuma (National Institute of Informatics) |
13:55-14:20 |
Automatic Regularization of Factorization Models Steffen Rendle (University of Konstanz) |
14:20-14:45 |
Thresholding Loadings in Factor Analysis Yusuke Miyamoto (Osaka University) |
14:45-15:10 |
Assessment of the Relationship between Native Thoracic Aortic Curvature and Endoleak Formation after TEVAR Based on Linear Discriminant Analysis Kuniyoshi Hayashi | Fumio Ishioka (Okayama University), Bhargav Raman | Daniel Y. Sze (Stanford University School of Medicine), Hiroshi Suito (Okayama University), Takuya Ueda (St. Luke’s International Hospital), Koji Kurihara (Okayama University) |
15:10 | 15:25 | Tea Break | |||||||
15:25 | 17:30 | Session 4 The chairperson:Shizuhiko Nishisato | |||||||
15:25-15:50 |
Three-way Data Analysis for Multivariate Spatial Time Series Mitsuhiro Tsuji (Kansai University), Toshio Shimokawa (University of Yamanashi) |
15:50-16:15 |
Three-Mode Subspace Clustering for Considering Effects under Noise Variables and Occasions Kensuke Tanioka | Hiroshi Yadohisa (Doshisha University) |
16:15-16:40 |
Classification, Clustering and Visualisation Based on Dual Scaling Hans-Joachim Mucha (Weierstrass Institute) |
16:40-17:05 |
Structural Representation of Categorical Data and Cluster Analysis through Filters Shizuhiko Nishisato (University of Toronto) |
17:05-17:30 |
Variable Selection in K-means Clustering via Regularization Method Yutaka Nishida (Osaka University) |
19:00 | 21:00 | Conference Dinner |
Start | End | 2012/3/10 (Saturday) | |||||||
9:00 | 10:40 | Session 5 The chairperson:Tadashi Imaizumi | |||||||
9:00-9:25 |
On the Stress Function of Asymmetric von Mises Scaling Kojiro Shojima (The National Center for University Entrance Examinations) |
9:25-9:50 |
Bayesian Analysis of Asymmetry by the Slide-Vector Model Kensuke Okada (Senshu University) |
9:50-10:15 |
A New Multidimensional Scaling Methodology for Analysis of Asymmetric Citation Data in Scientific Publications Yuan Sun (National Institute of Informatics), Tadashi Imaizumi (Tama University) |
10:15-10:40 |
Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling with Generalized Hyperellipse Model Yoshikazu Terada (Osaka University), Hiroshi Yadohisa (Doshisha University) |
10:40 | 10:55 | Tea Break | |||||||
10:55 | 12:35 | Session6 The chairperson:Claus Weihs | |||||||
10:55-11:20 |
Statistical Process Modelling for Machining of Inhomogeneous Mineral Subsoil Claus Weihs (Technische Universitat Dortmund) |
11:20-11:45 |
Zone Detection Process for Rainfall Inflow into Sewage Pipe Ken Wada (STONEGATE Co.), Tomoyuki Hasegawa (STONEGATE Co.), Keiji Yajima (Independent) |
11:45-12:10 |
The Utility of Smallest Space Analysis for the Cross-National Survey Data Analysis: The Structure of Religiosity Kazufumi Manabe (Aoyama Gakuin University) |
12:10-12:35 |
Analysis of Changes of Brand Categories Using Purchase History Data and Eigenvalue to Find New Category Yuki Toyada (Tama University) |
12:35 | 13:45 | Lunch Break | |||||||
13:45 | 15:00 | Session 7 The chairperson:Yasumasa Baba | |||||||
13:45-14:10 |
An Automatic Extraction of Academia-Industry Collaborative Research and Development Documents on the Web Kei Kurakawa | Yuan Sun (National Institute of Informatics), Nagayoshi Yamashita (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Yasumasa Baba (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics) |
14:10-14:35 |
Ancient Population Dynamics Estimation from Archaeological data 'Nuzi personal names' Sumie Ueda (The Institution of Statistical Mathematics), Kumi Makino (Kamakura Women's University), Yoshiaki Itoh (The Institution of Statistical Mathematics), Takashi Tsuchiya (National Graduate Insitute for Policy Studies) |
14:35-15:00 |
Classification of Literature by Analyzing Figure-Ground Relationship of Characters Tetsuya Matsui | Yukio-pegio Gunji | Eugenio-Schneider Kitamura (Kobe University) |
15:00-15:25 |
Non-Additive Utility Functions: Choquet Integral versus logic-based Querying Ingo Schmitt (Brandenburgische Technische Universitat Cottbus) |
15:25 | 15:40 | Tea Break | |||||||
15:40 | 17:20 | Session 8 The chairperson:Wolfgang Gaul | |||||||
15:40-16:05 |
Feature Selection and Clustering of Digital Images Versus Questionnaire Based Grouping of Consumers: A Comparison Ines Daniel | Daniel Baier (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus) |
16:05-16:30 |
Analysis of Asymmetric Relationships Among Soft Drink Brands Akinori Okada (Tama University) |
16:30-16:55 |
How to use Willingness-to-Pay Data for Product Bundling Wolfgang Gaul (KIT-Campus Sud) |
16:55-17:20 |
From Online Customer Reviews to New Marketing Insights Methodological Issues and Challenges Reinhold Decker (Bielefeld University) |
17:20 | 17:30 | Closing |